Your only source for professionals
The following testimonials come from clients that were struggling with their existing brand. Some of them needed rebranding, others needed a complete overhaul of their websites. What we did accomplish for them with our services was making them fall in love with their brand, their businesses, once again
>>Testimonial by Jeff Hulett from Jeff Hulett PR

“Juan took my brand to the next level when he developed my website. I can’t tell you how many people have complimented my site and hired me because of the dynamic and inventive design and ease of use. He worked fast and took my ideas and put them into action. I would highly recommend hiring Juan.”
— Jeff Hulett
>>Testimonial by Sarah DiMonte from Kingfisher Systems Inc.

Mr. Puerto’s duties included:
Brand Identity and logo redesign in 2018.
Creation of brand and marketing collateral including, business cards, brochures, flyers, proposal graphics and covers.
Mr. Puerto has showed great commitment and initiative at all times. He always fulfills the tasks assigned with professionalism and high quality in a timely manner. He hit our specifications on the mark and was a pleasure to work with! All staff are pleased with the outcome.”
— Sarah DiMonte / SME Corporate Administration
>>Testimonial by Rob DeSimone from Youth Leadership Foundation

“Juan offered to do a facelift of YLF’s logo. 20 years-old and out of sync with some program logos, Juan made our organization’s logo uniform with our programs. He hit our specifications on the mark and was a pleasure to work with! All staff are pleased with the outcome. Thanks, Juan!
— Rob DeSimone | Former Executive Director of YLF
>>Testimonial by Claudia Garcia from Bolsas Cuicuitlan Mexico

“Quiero agradecer a Juan Puerto y resaltar su capacidad, por que mi diseño de logo e imagen ha permitido darle identidad a mi marca y los resultados saltan a la vista! Agradezco su profesionalismo, puntualidad y sin duda su creatividad.
No cabe duda que con esta nueva imagen de marca voy a alcanzar mis objetivos y los de mi pequeña empresa.
I want to thank Juan Puerto and highlight his ability, because my logo and image design has allowed to give identity to my brand and the results are obvious! I appreciate your professionalism, punctuality and without a doubt your creativity.
There is no doubt that with this new brand image I will achieve my goals and those of my small business.
— Claudia Garcia | Owner Bolsas Cuicuitlan Mexico